Good Points

It's about time, its about change. Changes you can count on, changes you can trust.

Three Way Tussels in Stulang 莫澤浩 :平常心出戰士都蘭三角戰

04/03/2008 Enforcement and awareness on environmental issues are the main concern for Barisan Nasional’s Stulang state seat candidate Mok Chek Hou. Mok felt that the environment in the city had been taken for granted and it was time for something serious to be done. Famed for preventing council officials from cutting down trees in the name of pruning in Taman Sri Tebrau last year, Mok said that environmental conservation was something close to his heart. Mok, who has been a Johor Baru city councillor for the past eight years, said he always raised environmental issues during council meetings. “Besides chopping trees, I will address the issue of littering to maintain a clean and friendly environment,” said the 52-year-old Johor Baru MCA vice-chief. He pledged to take care of the people’s basic needs and the condition of roads, street lights and drains.

23/02/2008 士都蘭州選區將上演全柔唯一的一場三角戰,且是在朝的資深市議員對壘兩位在野的資深律師。首次上陣的馬華新丁莫澤浩卻沒有被嚇倒,抱有信心“抗戰”以一對二。代表國陣馬華出戰士都蘭州選區的莫澤浩,可能遇上行動黨柔州副主席諾曼和人民黨全國總秘書宋新輝的兩大巨頭。面對兩位政壇老將及資深大律師的雙面夾攻,也是馬華新山區會副主席的莫澤浩並沒有被敵對營的“架勢”嚇倒,反而輕鬆表示自己會以平常心出戰。他說,他已投入全面備戰狀態,一切已準備就緒,只欠“東風”吹起。曾擔任4屆新山市議員的莫澤浩指出,他有8年服務人民的經驗,對民生問題相當瞭解,在地方發展上也盡了不少力,所以這一方面他還是挺有信心的。“一直以來,我和華團保持了很好的關係,我相信華社會給予我支持,讓我有機會將華社的意願下情上達。”