It's about time, its about change. Changes you can count on, changes you can trust.
Mok Chek Hou presented awards and prizes to winners of 4th Tiong-Hua Cup Chinese Debate Competition 莫澤浩出席第4屆中華杯馬新大專辯論邀請賽決賽
09/10/2008 For the fourth consecutive time, Universiti Malaya’s (UM) debating team emerged as champion in the Tiong-Hua Cup Chinese Debate Competition here recently. The six-member team, which was the opposing side, defeated the Southern College team on the topic: In Choosing a Political Leader, Morals are More Important Than Capability. UM’s Chen Chiu Hua was crowned best debater in the contest which had eight higher-learning institutions from Malaysia and Singapore as participants. The team received RM2,000, medals and the Best Debater Certificate from Johor Baru Tiong-Hua Federation president Lua Ah Seng and Stulang assemblyman Mok Chek Hou. Chen said she was overjoyed by the award as she was only in her second year in debating. “Talk from the bottom of your heart and tell people what you believe,” said the second-year law student when asked her secret to becoming a good speaker. UM debate team leader Konh Kok Heng attributed the win to his seniors and coaches. “They trained and helped us no matter how busy they were,” he said. Konh said that debating enabled him to think and look at issues from various angles. “The skill can guards me from being misled by certain parties,” he said. Commenting on the event, Mok Chek Hou said it provided a platform students in higher-learning institutions of the two counties to forge ties. “It is also good training for improvement of personal charisma and public speaking skills. “Debating helps develop the ability to listen and critically analyse issues,” he said.