15/07/2011 After a three-year harrowing ordeal at the hands of her
Jordanian boyfriend, restaurant mNgwe Ngooi Sew Lan, 41, is grateful to be alive. Rescued by Malaysian Embassy officials in Jordan last month, after being abused and held a-gainst her will in her boyfriend's home in Amman, Ngooi said she was just glad to come home. Ngooi's trouble started when she met her boyfriend, a 25-year-old trader known as Hamada, via a social networking site in 2007. “We fell in love and I decided to meet him in China where he was working at that time.“He treated me very well but during our second meeting in Oc-tober 2008, he punched and kicked me.“I guess I was blinded by love to still want him after that,” said the woman, who is a British permanent resident and works in Eng-land.Ngooi said she also started visiting Hamada's family home in Am-man after he threatened to kill them.“During my visit this January, he refused to let me go back to Eng-land.“Although I begged him, he held on to my passport, took away my SIM card, hit and even threatened me with a gun.“At one time, he lost his temper and stabbed me.“When I woke up, I was in the hospital and the doctor told me that I had lost a lot of blood,” said Ngooi, adding that Hamada also made one of his family members remain by her side at all times to prevent her from leaving the house.She said although Hamada's family treated her well, they were also too terrified to defy him.“I can't speak Arabic and that prevented me from trying to seek help outside.“I only communicated with Hamada in English and Mandarin,” she said, adding that during their relationship, she had lent him RM48,000 to help him start a business.Ngooi said that while the family was asleep on June 12, she managed to find her SIM card and contacted her sister in Malaysia for help.
Her sister lodged a police report and ap-proached Stulang assemblyman Mok Chek Hou who immediately contacted the Foreign Ministry. Ngooi was rescued on June 30. “I am eternally grateful to the authorities for acting fast because who knows what would have happened to me. “I felt as if a huge burden had been lifted the moment I landed here,” she said.
Mok commended the ministry for coming to Ngooi's aid quickly and urged them to blacklist Hamada from entering Malaysia as he might come looking for her.