06/05/2010 They were beside themselves, cracking each other up as they shared side-splitting humour in the name of World Laughter Day. Calling themselves the JB Laughers, they held a laughing clinic on Sunday which lasted about 30 minutes. At least 400 people took part in the event that left them in stitches. To get participants laughing, a “lion exercise” was conducted where participants made funny faces. Mouth exercises were held to teach them how to laugh loudly. There were also clowns. JB Laughers member Fung Lee Jean said the clinic was to celebrate World Laughter Day. “This is an annual event for us and it has been well received by members of the public. Last year, it was held in Setia Tropika. “We are hoping to work with the local authorities and state Tourism Department to promote this event and make it bigger,” she said. Fung said performing the laughing exercise would also help burn calories faster.
Stulang assemblyman Mok Chek Hou, who launched the event, called on people to join such an exercise. “I will also meet with state Tourism and Domestic Trade Committee chairman Hoo Seong Chang and hopefully we can get this event into the state tourism calendar. “This is a very good and healthy event where it attracts people in large numbers to just have a laugh,” he said.
笑一笑,心喜悦,没烦恼!今日是“世界爱笑日”(World Laughter Day),400名人士齐聚新山新甘光免税区开怀大笑,笑出身体健康与欢乐,甚至是世界和平! 今日上午7时正,新山爱笑俱乐部在上述地点欢庆第12届世界爱笑日,邀请士都浪区州议员莫泽浩一同和参与群众同欢,把欢笑散播开来。世界爱笑日是由世界爱笑瑜伽运动发起人马丹卡塔利亚医师(Dr Madan Kataria)于1998年所推行的活动。该活动定在每年5月首个星期,在全球各地举行。有关活动旨在透过人的欢笑,连接人类彼此间的友谊,感染周遭的人一同分享喜悦,一起笑出自己的健康,藉此舒缓内心负面情绪与压力,也间接培养人性的善良、慷慨、宽恕、诚实与廉洁,以致倡导世界和平理念。据悉,爱笑瑜伽运动已在全球65个国家茁壮成长,成立了逾6000所爱笑俱乐部,有关概念正被不同文化国家与地区广泛接受。
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