Good Points

It's about time, its about change. Changes you can count on, changes you can trust.

Mok Chek Hou's effort in cross border trade networking building

25/02/2011 As part of the efforts in promoting greater collaboration and cooperation among the business communities in China, Malaysia and Singapore, Raffles Business International and Raffles Business Institute are organising the Asia CEO Gala Dinner 2011 on 25th Feb 2011 at Raffles Town Club. SBF is supporting this event. The GOH and co-GOH are Mr Ang Mong Seng (Member of Parliament, Hong Kah GRC) and Mr Mok Chek Hou (Member of Johor Legislative Assembly, Malaysia) respectively.


13/02/2011 柔佛星君功德會昨晚在該廟停車場舉辦周年會慶及籌募醫藥基金元宵晚宴,柔佛州務大臣拿督阿都干尼受邀出席為該廟購買的首台流動中醫醫療診所主持推介禮,並移交30萬令吉模擬支票予柔佛星君功德會,作為醫藥基金。受邀出席的嘉賓除了阿都干尼之外,還包括柔州婦女及家庭發展、社會福利及衛生委員會主席羅碧雅、企業發展及合作社、教育及高教委員會主席拿督馬武利詹、優景鎮區州議員拿督阿都哈林及特別助理陳聰明、柔佛星君功德會慈善大使莫澤浩州議員、會長李益興、署理會長岑麒平、新山優景鎮玉封至富財帛星君廟總廟主張渭波、新山中華公會會長林奕欽,以及本報總經理兼新山海南會館總務符傳曙等,超過30個華團及社團代表。

Mok Chek Hou host CNY open house for 500 rakyat

08/02/2011 Chinese New Year open houses are one of the best avenues to foster unity among people of all races said Stulang assemblyman Mok Chek Hou. He said it was wonderful to see people converging at a particular location to celebrate the festivities and to enjoy good food.“Open houses are in line with the 1Malaysia concept. People of all races coming to an open house to enjoy each other’s company and enjoying food is one of the nation’s identity in racial tolerance,” he told Star Metro recently after hosting the Lunar New Year open house at Taman Sri Tebrau multipurpose hall. Mok said the spirit of attending and hosting open houses should always be a norm for all Malaysians. “Depending on the celebration, be it Chinese New Year or Hari Raya, open houses are a must have.He added festivals such as the Lunar New Year was a time of happiness. “It is the best time for people to be united and embrace each others’ differences,” he said.