Good Points

It's about time, its about change. Changes you can count on, changes you can trust.

Mok Chek Hou located Jln Lumba Kuda runaway girl in Melaka

29/06/2010 A 14-year-old girl who ran away on Fathers Day has been found in Malacca after a passer-by recognised her from several newspaper reports published last Thursday. Welder Wong Foo Cheong, 52, said his daughter Kah Lai told him that she had run away from their home in Jalan Lumba Kuda here because she wanted to look for a job in Malacca.“I am grateful that my daughter is safe and am very thankful that no harm has come upon her,” he said.Wong said his daughter had promised not to run away again. He also thanked the press for highlighting his daughter’s disappearance, without which he would not have been able to find her. Stulang assemblyman Mok Chek Hou said a passer-by had noticed the girl and alerted him and the authorities of her location.

莫澤浩: 希望黃加麗看到報導後能儘快回家與父親團聚.

22/06/2010 年僅14歲的輟學女生黃加麗離家出走,思念幼女的父親今日尋求公眾協助,希望儘早尋回女兒。黃加麗的父親黃富昌(52歲,燒焊工人)週二早上在士都蘭區州議員莫澤浩召開的新聞發佈會上,向媒體詳述黃加麗失蹤的情況。黃富昌表示,他於6月20日清晨5時許起床後,走入加麗的房間時,才發現女兒不見了。他也發現加麗帶走了幾件衣服及身份證,不過相信她身上並沒有攜帶許多現款。他透露,與妻子離婚已有十餘年,加麗自小學時就被妻子帶到馬六甲讀書。她小學時期的成績不錯,小六評估考試成績名列班上前4名,不過卻在升入中學後可能在誤交朋友的情況下,開始逃學及曾有離家的紀錄。他指出,加麗曾於去年8月在馬六甲的住家處離家,當時住在新山的大兒子特地到馬六甲尋回妹妹,之後便建議把她帶回來新山。黃富昌與妻子育有3名孩子,包括1男2女。他目前與母親和加麗同住在已拆除的新山魯瑪固打組屋區(俗稱“15樓”)附近,他的大兒子及二女兒已工作並搬出去住。


Mok Chek Hou's concern on Chinese cultural continuity

19/06/2010 Hundreds of Johoreans gathered at the cultural street Jalan Tan Hiok Nee here recently to celebrate “Duan Wu” or Dumpling Festival event. Visitors enjoyed a night of fun activities. Stulang assemblyman Mok Chek Hou, who launched the event, said more of such programmes should be organised to ensure traditions would not be lost.


13/06/2010 端午粽香飄溢,馬來西亞華人文化協會柔佛州分會會所――“文協49號”,在濃濃的文化氣息及滿滿的祝福聲中開幕。為了給文協49號打氣,馬來西亞華人文化協會總會長戴小華和總秘書黃振仲特地從吉隆坡赶來赴會,參與聯合開幕禮。週六(6月12日)晚上進行聯合開幕禮的文協代表和嘉賓,包括來自文協總會的戴小華和黃振仲,文協柔分會會長蕭光麟、士都蘭區州議員兼新山中華公會屬下文化街工委會主席莫澤浩、柔佛潮州八邑會館副會長蔡光偉、新山福建會館副會長劉水欽、新山海南會館副會長莫壯強、新山客家公會名譽董事張載明。

Mok Chek Hou's strong support for Johor furniture fair

11/06/2010 The Johor Furniture Fair attracted nearly 40,000 visitors, generating sales of about RM4mil. Event chairman Ooi Thian Kang said the number of visitors and sales had dropped due to multiple events being held simultaneously in the city. “Last year, we recorded a total of RM6mil in sales during the three-day event, while a further RM4mil in sales were made after the event. “The visitors last year numbered about 50,000,” he said. “We appreciate those who came to support the event.  “Such a fair enables consumers to find out the selection of furniture products available and the companies that deal in them,” he said. He said that more than 50 exhibitors participated in the fair this year which had 218 booths. “The event presented consumers with a wide range of furniture products at affordable prices,” he said. Meanwhile, Stulang assemblyman Mok Chek Hou, who launched the event, said the fair was the perfect platform for furniture manufacturers to showcase their products. “The products must have a mix of innovation and practicality so that they are worth the money spent,” he said. He said consumers should take advantage of the fair as it was difficult to find a large group of furniture manufacturers under one roof.