30/04/2010 The state government will spend more than RM303mil to relocate 2,000 squatter families to special apartments at the Tebrau Plentong valley here. The state decided to relocate them after their villages were found to be obstructing the construction of the Eastern Dispersal Link (EDL) expressway, which is expected to be completed by the end of next year. Johor Mentri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman said the relocation programme, one of the most ambitious in the state, was aimed at improving the socio-economic standard of residents in the Sungai Tebrau area. “The state government will be building 10 apartment blocks known as Kampung Melayu Tradisi Iskandar Malaysia equipped with a host of public amenities near the site of the original villages,” he said.
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It's about time, its about change. Changes you can count on, changes you can trust.
莫澤浩 : 新山馬芝迪花園甘榜士當宜人民終獲臨時入伙證
29/04/2010 新山馬芝迪花園甘榜士當宜的人民房屋購屋者引頸長待2年餘,終於獲得新山市政局臨時入伙證。購屋者在5月2日領取住家鑰鎖後,就可以遷入居住。士都蘭區州議員莫澤浩指出,甘榜士當宜人民組屋其實早在2007年就已建竣,不過,新山市政局在派員探測此區的馬路時,發現有關瀝青的厚度無法達標而拒絕發出入伙證。他說,這個由國家房屋機構(SPN)負責承建的甘榜士當宜人民房屋,共有752間住宅單位及15間商業單位。他指出,購屋者在房屋於2005年推出市場後,分別以5萬及8萬令吉購下房屋。不過,卻由於遲遲拿不到入伙證而望門興嘆。他說,如今新山市政局既已願意發出臨時準證,國家房屋機構就應該馬上行動,爭取在半年內,滿足當局的要求,即重新為馬路上鋪上符合標準的瀝青。莫澤浩週三在列席新山市政局常月會議後,透露此事。他也指出,購屋者在過後2年裡,飽受無法遷入新居的折騰。他們在繳付銀行房貸的同時,卻又必須另尋住處。他說,國家房屋機構今後在負責任何房屋計劃時,都必須以此為鑒。
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